Bugaboo Fox 2 vs UPPAbaby Vista V2

Bugaboo Fox 2 vs UPPAbaby Vista V2

A high-quality stroller keeps you child safe and comfortable while you’re on the go. A modular design like those made by UPPAbaby and Bugaboo can grow with your child, from the day you bring them home until they’re running around on their own.

There are a lot of similarities between the Bugaboo Fox 2 vs. UPPAbaby Vista V2. Both use a rugged aluminum frame and include a bassinet, letting them accommodate newborns all the way up to 50-pound toddlers. Choosing the right one ultimately depends on your family and lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the biggest differences so you can decide which one is right for you.

Bugaboo Fox 2 vs UPPAbaby Vista V2 Side by Side:

Bugaboo Fox 2UPPAbaby VISTA V2
Maximum child weight50lbs50lbs
Age rangeBirth to toddlerBirth to toddler
Collapsed dimensions33.9” X 20.5” X 13.4”13.5” X 25.5” X 33”
Unfolded dimensions34.6” X 23.6” X 15.7”35.9” X 25.7” X 39.4”

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The Bugaboo Fox 2 is an excellent one-child stroller. It comes with both a reversible toddler seat and an infant bassinet, and it’s easy to switch between them. You can also use it with a car seat, though you’ll need to buy the adapters separately.

Notice we said the Fox 2 is a one-child stroller—you’ll have to choose between the two seats, and can’t use both at once. The UPPAbaby Vista V2, on the other hand, includes a full-sized seat, an infant bassinet, a RumbleSeat accessory, and a PiggyBack ride along board. This means it can fit 2 seated children plus a standing toddler at the same time, giving it more versatility for multi-kid families.

More versatile stroller: UPPAbaby Vista V2


The UPPAbaby Vista V2 has a smooth ride on sidewalks and paved paths thanks to its spring-action suspension. Its large tires also do a decent job rolling over softer surfaces like grass and snow. That said, they do struggle a bit with uneven surfaces, like gravel, and aren’t the smoothest ride if you plan to take your stroller off-road.

The suspension system on the Bugaboo Fox 2 is more advanced, absorbing shocks better on rough surfaces. Its all-terrain wheels can handle everything from city streets to dirt or gravel paths and even sand, with a power steering system that lets you maneuver one-handed while keeping the ride smooth.

Easier to maneuver: Bugaboo Fox 2

Child Comfort

This is one area where the strollers are more closely matched. Their canopies are nearly identical, and both are extendable with excellent sun protection and ventilation. The design of the bassinets is also similar, and both will provide a comfortable and safe ride for newborns.


The main difference here comes down to the seats themselves. The seat on the Fox 2 is reversible and has 3 reclining positions, though it’s the whole seat that shifts, not just the backrest. The main seat of the Vista V2 expands on this, with 6 recline positions, as well as a higher back and deeper footrest that makes it more comfortable for larger toddlers. It’s also easier to get a precise fit with the sliding harness system, good news from both a comfort and a safety standpoint.

More comfortable: UPPAbaby Vista V2

Bugaboo Fox 2

Bugaboo Fox 2

The Bugaboo Fox 2 lets you take your child anywhere you want to go. It’s an ideal choice for active parents, with a cover that protects your kid from the sun and rain while you’re out and durable wheels built to roll smoothly over any terrain. It can also be easily adapted to fit a car seat, though the adapter doesn’t come included—a bit of an oversight, in our opinion, especially considering the price point. Its advanced suspension and power steering system make it a breeze to push, and you can steer one-handed when you need to.

Folding and storing the Fox 2 is as easy as pushing it. The push-button folding system collapses it down to a compact self-standing unit without the need to remove the seat or wheels. It’s also relatively light, weighing just over 20 pounds, so it’s not a struggle to load into the trunk for car trips.

The seat on the Fox 2 is easy to load, with the option of front or parent-facing orientations and a peekaboo window on the canopy so you can keep an eye on your child as you go. While particularly tall kids may outgrow it before they hit the 50-pound weight limit, it’s roomy enough for most toddlers, with multiple recline positions and padded restraints to keep your child safe and comfortable at the same time.


  • Easy to push and maneuver
  • Includes a bassinet for newborns
  • Reversible seat is easy to load and unload
  • Extendable sun canopy with UPF 50+ protection
  • Stands on its own when folded
  • Large under-seat storage area
  • Two-step push-button fold


  • Only fits one child at a time
  • Fewer seat adjustment options

UPPAbaby Vista V2

UPPAbaby Vista V2

It almost feels like a disservice to call the UPPAbaby Vista V2 a stroller. It’s more of a whole-family transportation system. The main seat is roomy and reversible, with ample recline levels and a zip-out canopy for protection from the sun. You can also use the included bassinet or RumbleSeat at the same time as the main seat, or attach the PiggyBack board so older toddlers can ride along. Adding a second bassinet or the MESA Infant car seat further expands the configuration options, making it a stroller that can fit any family.

With all these pieces, it’s especially impressive that the Vista V2 folds up nearly as small as the Fox 2 above. Its one-step fold will work even with the toddler seat attached, and like the Fox 2 it stands on its own once it’s folded.

On sidewalks and other flat surfaces, the UPPAbaby Vista V2 has a very smooth ride, and it’s easy to push even when you’re using both seats. Its large wheels can also handle curbs and other urban obstacles. It’s not as effective for off-roading, however. You can still use it on gravel or dirt paths, it’ll just be a bit trickier to push and won’t roll as smoothly as the Bugaboo stroller above.


  • Reversible seat with 6 recline levels
  • High back and deep footrest on main seat
  • Seats 2 kids at once (plus ride-along toddler)
  • Expandable canopy with mesh peekaboo panels
  • Harness system is comfortable and easy to adjust
  • Roomy under-seat storage
  • Smooth ride on paved paths, grass, and snow


  • More difficult to push on rough terrain
  • Only compatible with MESA car seat (not included)

What’s the Verdict?

Deciding between the Bugaboo Fox 2 and UPPAbaby Vista V2 really comes down to your lifestyle. The Bugaboo Fox 2 is perfect for active parents and provides a smoother ride overall. For families with multiple young children, the multiple configuration options of the UPPAbaby Vista V2 make it the clear winner, especially if you’ll mostly be using it in urban and suburban areas (>>> Check on Amazon). Either way you go, you’ll get a durable, stylish stroller that can grow with your child.

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One thing I didn’t realize before having kids of my own, though, is how much stuff babies need—and how complicated it can all get! With so many different options out there for things like car seats, strollers, and cribs, figuring out which ones are right for your family can feel confusing and anxiety-inducing, especially alongside all the other work you have to do to prepare your home for the new arrival.